MadeByGoogle-2017 Live stream - Ultra Pixel? What's New this time? Pixel 2, Pixel XL 2. - Let's Stay Up To Date(LSUD)

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MadeByGoogle-2017 Live stream - Ultra Pixel? What's New this time? Pixel 2, Pixel XL 2.

Hello Guys,
 Now its time for another big event, MadeByGoogle-2017 which is about to start in a few minutes...

You can catch all the live action right here!!

It is almost confirmed that there would be no NEW NEW ULTRA PIXEL this time.
 It is just a hoax. Who knows? There may be one :P

These are for sure...
1.The Google Pixel 2
2. The Google Pixel XL 2
3.Google Home mini (""Might be another name"")

Let's watch it in action here...

MadeByGoogle-2017 Live stream - Ultra Pixel? What's New this time? Pixel 2, Pixel XL 2. MadeByGoogle-2017 Live stream - Ultra Pixel? What's New this time? Pixel 2, Pixel XL 2. Reviewed by Bharath Mullapudi on October 04, 2017 Rating: 5

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